Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In the middle of everything a moment of pause happened on accident. I have been busy as of late, business is good and I do not expect it to remain steady forever and chanced a few too many trips and shifts away from my lovely ladies. The unexpected reward in a scalding hot desert is a simple burst of rain. The clouds came in and people sat outside for the first time in weeks watching in the cool breeze. As the drops turned into a pour I rolled up in the drive as the girls breached the entry on egress. Evelyn's excitement. She always wears shoes outside, saying whoos and bringing them to me, then immediately at the door, "...side" she says. Indicating she is feeling cooped up and wants to play with bigger toys outside the door. She has a little play area in the back and even in the heat insists on some time everyday. The padded patio, not nearly enough for her to spend a minute in. In fear of missing the rain, damn the whooos and splash away. All caught for good measure on my point and shoot in a plastic bag. The neighbors and their 2 year old got caught up in it as well and opened their door. We all had an awesome odd moment watching the little girls run towards each other, get close, get scared and run back repeatedly. I think we have good neighbors, but I'm not as trusting as I once was either. I hope they make fine friends though. It was a gorgeous afternoon in the quaint little town. An accidental moment, I finally had my camera for.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In attempt to simplify my writings and create a more linear flow of words I would like to segregate the two things I like most into categories. I know this goes against the boundaries of my philosophy, but I believe it will create a more congruent mass of media that is legible and readable for the masses that choose to. This is my immediate family. Web: family Family: web, now that you have met, we have no secrets and you know where the red [X]. Megan is absolutely awesome the person I have dreamed about. An excellent mother and a wonderful person. We have had the same basic history with the opposite sex and have both made one last ditch effort to save our sexuality with each other. Evelyn is the most perfect person ever concieved and the thought itself of giving her top billing in my life was a misnomer. We are enjoying life in the beautiful retirement community of Fountain Hills, AZ. I am a CNA at a local skilled nursing center and she is currently self employed. We get to spend close to 4 full days with each other and by keeping expenses low we can pretty much do whatever we want with in biking distance. We met through a common bond of motorcycles when Evelyn was roughly 7 months old. The whirlwind romance has been 10 months ago and still feels strong and awesome. We do almost everything together and my online motorcycle diarrhea(sp: diary, pun intended) has suffered a bit in the process, hence the separation anxiety over this new location. I still make the mecca trips on the motorcycle in my ever expanding fleet of un running equipment and malfunctioning motor experiments, but by the faith of friends and the hope for adventure that this is in the spirit of, I give you my family and the wonderful stories that we share as I venture into an unknown territory, but one I can not fail. Fatherhood and faith in relationships, two things I think that have dissipated over the past generation. As I learn the hidden arts of hard work, perseverance and selflessness I will share them here. Follow along faithful reader as the future holds unknown potential in this trisect of infinite possibility. My view points are not without logic, but my means are out of the ordinary and I hope to pave new ground in the meaning of family for my own and vicariously to others. My name is Evan and this is the begining of a very interesting....everything.